EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Expert Forum
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Posted: 2020-02-04 08:44 PM . Last Modified: 2023-05-03 12:18 AM
Hi, i am looking for how to display X-Y plot on ClearSCADA Trends not over a time line.
Some thing similar to one as attached.
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Posted: 2020-02-04 09:42 PM
Remember ClearSCADA / GeoSCADA Expert is NOT Excel.
ClearSCADA along with most other SCADA systems has Real-Time Visualisation Elements, and ClearSCADA also provides a Time-Series Historian. It is not a general database system, and it is not a general chart display engine.
In saying that however, there are some possible pathways that you could look into. And it will be slightly more complicated that you will likely want.
DynaCards and DynaGraphs.
DynaCards are a special kind of driver object which Schneider use for their Rod Pump controllers.
These essentially allow for storing a collection of timestamped Position vs Load tuples. They get labelled against certain 'types' also, i.e. Stored, Shutdown, Malfunction, Reference, Start, Pump Up, Last Stroke...
Using a DynaGraph you're able to display a series of DynaCards for a particular 'type'. i.e. you might have a DynaGraph which has just Stored cards (from a DynaCard Store) on it, or you might have both the Start and the Shutdown cards (to see a charge/discharge hysteresis cycle).
All sounds very magical right.... and here-in lies the problem for you. It is magical, it's largely tied into Schneider proprietary device systems. Which you most likely aren't using. That means that you'll need to push the data into these DynaCard Stores yourself.
From your ClearSCADA server you can access the schema for the items here:
You'll see there is a convenient Method called 'InsertRecords'.
I've just given it a try, and it kind of works. I think I've run into a bug with it where it's not connecting lines.
But perhaps I'm just using it wrong. There are a few other enhancement that I think it should have, as I mentioned, it's mainly used around Schneider Rod Pump controllers, so the typical audience is small for its functionality (and hence it may have bugs, and non-ideal behaviour).
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Posted: 2020-02-04 10:24 PM
Duhh.... and actually I forgot about how the X-Y Plot even works also.
The timeline shown in the X-Y Plot is the window over which the data within the display is for. The X-Y mapping of the X-Y plot is still based purely upon the sampled values of the X and Y points.
So the X-Y Plot is potentially what you will care about if you'll go through your unique X-Y values over some particular period of time (i.e. you care about the X-Y relationship only over the past hour/day/week/month/year etc...).
If you want unique stored X-Y samples, then the DynaCard/DynaGraph is still the way forward.
Here's an example of X-Y Plot... this should have been a pure bowl if it was only considering the X-Y mapping.... (i.e. the lines on the top should not exist.. they are artifacts from the time series impact I believe.. I wasn't able to find a historic algorithm that prevented these)
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Posted: 2020-02-04 11:11 PM
Yes, as per your last post.. Tried to use X-Y Trend.
X and Y values where in manually entered using ST with Time stamp. Once done same was mapped onto X-Y Trends. I was stuck with one problem. How to manually change the time to specific time using script on X-Y Trends.
Other option which also works is Storing information using ST in DataTable with X,Y columns and Displaying them on Crystal Reports directly. SQL Query Functions to insert values into DataTable.
I will try the Dynagraph but as of now we are going to settle with Option of crystal reports.
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