Hello, Our customer lost the original calibration certificates of energy analysers during montage. Can we find the certificates with serial numbers of...
Hello, Our customer asked, Can we see fault messages of Sepam S20 Relays on ComX'510 and Can It send an e-mail to us about falult messages?
Hello, We used PM5330 series power meters at our project. There is a wrong values at some points. Displacement PF's are good but True PF's are low. ...
Hello, At our customer's facility there is a problem about Reactive Power Difference. I tried to draw a schema, you can see below. Iskra and ION9000 ...
Hello I added devices to PME via ComX510 (Ethernet). But there is a device on field and it has not ethernet line. We bought a GPRS module (EBXA-GPRS) ...
Hello,I need PM2230 Firmware file and firmware upgrade guide via ION Setup.
Hello,I have a communication or device problem. When I ping to EGX100 see timeouts. We use PME8.1 in this project. Sometimes values of device lost. Al...
Hello,I want to read current harmonic registers from I1 1st harmonic until I1 40th harmonic via Modbus TCPIP. Is there modbus register list of ION76...