Several different status messages can be reported in this view for SNMP device updates initiated by using Apply Firmware Updates in the Updates menu.
<Cancelled count> firmware updates have been cancelled.
The number of pending firmware updates that were cancelled.
Recommended Action: None
Attempting to connect to the device...
The server is trying to connect to the device.
Recommended Action: None
Attempting to log on to the device...
The server is trying to log on to the device.
Recommended Action: None
Failed to update device: file verification failed for <file type> <file version>.
A problem occurred, after the server transferred the update to the device successfully, that prevented the server from verifying that the update at the device matches the update sent to the device.
The device will not function correctly if the update at the device does not match the update from the server.
Recommended Action: Make sure the access settings have not changed at the server or device, and the appropriate file transfer protocol is still enabled at the device.
Make sure the device has not been turned off or disconnected from the network.
Correct any network connection problem.
If the problem persists, contact APC Support (
Once the problem is corrected, select Apply Firmware Updates in the Updates menu to update the device.
Failed to update device firmware.
An unknown error occurred.
Recommended Action: Make sure the device is turned on and online, the appropriate file transfer protocol is enabled at the device, and that the "Device File Transfer Settings" display settings are correct.
Correct any network connection problem.
If the problem persists, contact APC Support (
Failed to update the device: unable to connect.
A network or file transfer protocol communication problem exists.
Recommended Action: Make sure the device is turned on and online, the appropriate file transfer protocol is enabled at the device, and that the "Device File Transfer Settings" display settings used to access the device include the device's correct port number.
Correct any network connection problem.
If the problem persists, contact APC Support (
Once the problem is corrected, select Apply Firmware Updates in the Updates menu to update the device.
Failed to update device: unable to log on.
The server does not have the appropriate file transfer protocol settings needed to log on to the device, or communication was lost after the connection was successful.
Recommended Action: Make sure the access settings needed to log on to the device are defined in the "Device File Transfer Settings" display, and the appropriate file transfer protocol is still enabled at the device.
Make sure the device has not been turned off or disconnected from the network.
Correct any network connection problem.
If the problem persists, contact APC Support (
Once the problem is corrected, select Apply Firmware Updates in the Updates menu to update the device.
Failed to update device: unable to transfer <file type> <file version>.
A problem occurred, after the server logged on to the device successfully, that prevented the server from transferring the update.
Recommended Action: Make sure the access settings have not changed at the server or device, and the appropriate file transfer protocol is still enabled at the device.
Make sure the device has not been turned off or disconnected from the network.
Correct any network connection problem.
If the problem persists, contact APC Support (
Once the problem is corrected, select Apply Firmware Updates in the Updates menu to update the device.
Successfully connected to the device.
Now the server can attempt to log on to the device.
Recommended Action: None
Successfully logged on to the device.
Now the server can attempt to transfer the update to the device.
Recommended Action: None
Successfully transferred <file type> <file version> to the device.
Now the server can attempt to verify that the update at the device matches the file used for the update.
Recommended Action: None
Transferring <file type> <file version> to the device...
The server is trying to transfer the update to the device.
Recommended Action: None
Unable to log on to the device: waiting to retry...
The server has failed at least one attempt to log on to the device, but has not reached its retry limit.
Recommended Action: None
Unable to transfer <file type> <file version>: waiting to retry...
The server has failed at least one attempt to transfer the update to the device, but has not reached its retry limit.
Recommended Action: None
Unable to verify <file type> <file version>: waiting to retry...
The server has failed at least one attempt to verify the update at the device matches the update sent by the server, but has not reached its retry limit.
Recommended Action: None
Update cancelled.
The update was cancelled.
Recommended Action: None
Update completed successfully.
The update was successful.
Recommended Action: None
Update pending...
An update is pending, but not started.
Recommended Action: None
Update started...
An update has started.
Recommended Action: None
Verifying transfer of <file type> <file version> to the device...
The server is trying to verify that the update at the device matches update sent by the server.
Recommended Action: None
Verified update to <file type> <file version>.
The server verified that the update at the device matches the update sent by the server.
Recommended Action: None
Waiting for <file type> <file version> to load...
The server is waiting for the device to restart, using the update that was transferred.
Recommended Action: None
Would you like to cancel the pending firmware updates?
You have selected to cancel at least one pending update.
Recommended Action: Click Yes to continue with the cancellation.
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