Downgrading an UNC to an earlier Niagara build
Product Line
TAC IA Series
I/A Series R2 Universal Network Controller (UNC)
Station is unable to run in an UNC with newer version of Niagara R2 because a 3rd party module does not have an updated JAR file
The procedure to downgrade an UNC would be to use the version of WorkPlace Pro that you want the UNC to be and commission the UNC as per what you would do for a new UNC or to upgrade an UNC.
The modules installed in the station should also match the Niagara version of the UNC. Refer to Can jar files from Niagara R2 version 532 be used with a UNC running version 330?.
Refer to Procedure 4 on pages 9 and 10 of the UNC-520 Installation Instructions for details on installing the software to an UNC-520.
It is important to note that newer UNCs with the newer boot flash chip requires I/A Series R2 version r2.301.527 or newer. Installing the UNC with newer boot flash chip with an I/A Series R2 version lower than r2.301.527 will make the UNC inoperable. Refer to Cannot get my I/A Series (Niagara) R2 UNC to boot after downgrading the system software to a version... for details.