We have 8no. CM4000 power meters installed onsite.They are daisy-chained over RS-485 (4-wire) to an EGX150 unit (all within the same panel). Some of t...
We have an LV board installation with an ION7650 at the main incomer.This meter has a set of tropicalized for busbar 3000:5 A (accuracy class: Class 1...
Hi, I am looking to change the update rate of the High Speed ION Modules on one of the ION 9000s that I am working on. By default it updates the readi...
Hi, I have a BCPM Advanced feature set, 48 solid core 100 A CTs (4 strips), 18 mm CT spacing (BCPMA248S) from which I will be retrieving data into a p...
I am trying to change the waveform recording period pre and post power quality events on the ION9000 meter. However, I have come across the following ...