Register your SmartConnect-compatible UPS with your account:
Using a QR Code
Using Product Codes
NOTE: The UPS device you are adding cannot be associated with another Schneider Electric account. See Adding your Device Issues for more information.
QR Code Scan
Register your device by scanning the QR code on your UPS using your smart phone or tablet device. You can scan your Smart-UPS device’s QR code using the web portal’s integrated QR code scanner or via a third-party QR code reader. It is recommended you use the web portal’s built-in scanner as it is the quickest way to register your device.
NOTE: Please allow 4-5 minutes after you connect your SmartConnect-compatible UPS before attempting to register your device.
Integrated QR Code Scanner
1. Log in to the web portal on a mobile device, and navigate to Add > QR Code Scan.
2. Click Scan QR Code. A browser popup will display asking you to allow access to your device’s camera(s). Select Allow.
NOTE: If you select Cancel by accident, click Close and log out of the web portal. Follow steps 1-2 again, and click Allow when prompted. If camera access is still blocked, see Knowledge Base article FA408179 for more information.
NOTE: Ensure that your mobile device’s battery is sufficiently charged before using the integrated QR code scanner.
3. Select a camera using the drop-down list and scan the QR code on the UPS label:
NOTE: The QR code label may be on the front, side, or rear of your UPS.
4. If the scanner detects a valid QR code, you will be redirected to Register UPS page. If your session has expired, you will need to log in again using your account credentials.
5. The Register UPS page is pre-populated with your Product ID and Product Key, obtained during the QR scan. Click Register UPS. If SmartConnect is not enabled on your device, you will be prompted to do so.
6. On the UPS Profile page, provide the UPS Name, UPS Description, Timezone and Notifications for the UPS. Click Save Profile.
7. On the Device Sensitivity page you can set how sensitive your device is to on Battery conditions. Click Next and Finish.
Third-Party QR Code Reader
1. Install a QR code reader.
NOTE: Devices running iOS 11+ do not require the installation of a QR code reader, as the default camera application can read QR codes.
2. Select the QR code scanner:
3. Scan the QR code on the UPS label:
NOTE: The QR code label may be on the front, side, or rear of your UPS.
4. In your browser, visit the URL created by the QR code scan.
a. If you do not already have a Schneider Electric account, you can Sign Up.
b. If you have a Schneider Electric account, log in using your account credentials.
5. Log in using your Schneider Electric account credentials.
6. The Register UPS page is pre-populated with your Product ID and Product Key, obtained during the QR scan. Click Register UPS. If SmartConnect is not enabled on your device, you will be prompted to do so.
7. On the UPS Profile page, provide the UPS Name, UPS Description, Timezone and Notifications for the UPS. Click Save Profile.
8. On the Device Sensitivity page you can set how sensitive your device is to on Battery conditions. Click Next and Finish.
Product Codes
Register your device by entering the Product ID and Product Key located on the label attached to your UPS.
NOTE: Please allow 4-5 minutes after you connect your SmartConnect-compatible UPS before attempting to register your device.
1. Log in to your Schneider Electric account at
2. Go to Add Device and select Product Codes.
3. Enter the Product ID – a 12-digit alphanumeric ID shown on the UPS label.
4. Enter the Product Key – a 14-digit alphanumeric key shown on the UPS label.
5. Click Register UPS to proceed. If SmartConnect is not enabled on your device, you will be prompted to do so.
6. On the UPS Profile page, provide the UPS Name, UPS Description, Timezone and Notifications for the UPS. Click Save Profile.
7. On the Device Sensitivity page you can set how sensitive your device is to on Battery conditions. Click Next and Finish.
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