Metering & Power Quality
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Hi, can I connect into a PM5560 two gateways actin as master devices? First connected by RS-485 and the second at Modbus TCP/IP ?
Is there any guidance by product line, like 5000 series / 8000 series?
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Hi Evandro,
Connecting a gateway to the Ethernet port doesn't make sense. A gateway converts protocols on the OSI layers e.g. Modbus RTU (RS485 serial) to Modbus TCPIP (Ethernet) - or - BACnet RTU to BACnet IP
I'm not sure whether this will work, it is usually one method or the other, not both. I have not tried it but someone else on the Exchange may have...
Yes, you can have multiple masters on a serial line poll a slave device; however, you may lose packets if both masters try and poll at the same time, limit time between requests from the masters. In your case, the solution may be to connect another gateway to the serial line?
Hope this helps.
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Hi, the scenario is a little bit different.
Customer needs to monitor the energy into two different systems, that cannot share the same ethernet network.
So the idea was to MAP this electrical meter at a existing Quantum PLC, and map the same electrical meter in a COMX for a WAGES project.
Doing this way, he will keep with the premises, not to connect WAGES project at the industrial network.
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