How to set the IP address of a Xenta 5/7/9xx through serial communication.
Product Line
Satchwell MicroNet, TAC INET, TAC Vista
- Xenta Servers
- Xenta 511, 527, 555, 701, 711, 721, 731, 913
If the IP address of a Xenta 5/7/9xx is not known initially, then no configuration can be done through the IP interface. The IP address must be set through serial communication.
If the device is new out of the box, or has attempted recovery after a format command, please see Default IP address following Xenta Server "format" command is different than from factory for the known default IP addressing.
Preparation: You need to have an RS-232 serial cable (TAC Xenta Programming Serial Kit 0-073-0920-0). Plug the RS-232 cable in to the RS-232 B port. The RS-232 B port is the second left port at the front. Then connect the other end to the computer.
Configuration steps:
- Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal, and open the HyperTerminal.
- In Connection Description Windows, type any name you like in the Name box.
- Click OK.
- In the Connect to window, choose the correct COM port that the RS-232 cable is using. If you do not know which COM port it is using.
- Go to your computer device manager. (Right click on “My computer” icon, and choose “Manage”. Then under “System Tools”, choose “Device Manager”.
- Find “Ports (COM & LPT)” and expend it
- Find the COM port number that is used by the RS-232 cable.
- Click OK.
- In the COM Properties window, type 9600 for “Bits per second”, 8 for “Data bits”, “Parity” is None, “Stop bits” is 1, and “Flow control” is None.
- Click OK.
- Options: you can save this setting for future use. Click on File Menu and Save.
- Press ENTER to activate the command prompt.
- Default username and password is both “root”. Type “root” and press ENTER for both the username and password.
- Type “setip” and press ENTER.
- Type the appropriate information for DHCP, IP-address, Subnet mask, Default gateway, DNS, Website name, Domain name, and Host name. Type “yes” for “Do you want to restart the IP interface”.
- Quit HyperTerminal when the restart is finished.
See [Video] Setting the IP address of a Xenta 5/7/9xx through serial communication to watch a video of this process.