NBPD0165 Camera focus range -What is the recommended optimal monitoring distance range in meters?
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Posted: 2024-03-2408:04 AM
NBPD0165 Camera focus range -What is the recommended optimal monitoring distance range in meters?
My client has been troubled by an issue recently. His camera cannot reliably detect people passing by the door. The distance from the camera to the door is approximately 15 meters. He wants to know the focal length of the NBPD0160 camera. What is the recommended optimal monitoring distance range in meters?
Camera Pod 165's should be connected to a NetBotz 750/755 and are dependent on the number of pixels changing to detect if there is motion or not. As long as within the camera image you can see the section that you wish to monitor you should be able to make some adjustments to sensitivity to capture at that distance.
Camera Pod 165's should be connected to a NetBotz 750/755 and are dependent on the number of pixels changing to detect if there is motion or not. As long as within the camera image you can see the section that you wish to monitor you should be able to make some adjustments to sensitivity to capture at that distance.