What do the HVAC, SEC, and INT options on the Continuum Security Key provide access to?
Product Line
Andover Continuum
- Continuum Security Key
- Continuum Cyberstation
Unsure as to what restrictions these various Security Key Options place on the activity that can be performed and what can be viewed within Continuum.
HVAC - Provides access to HVAC specific objects such as viewing BACnet controllers, creating BACnet objects and polling for new BACnet Devices.
SEC - Provides access to viewing and creating Security specific objects such as Door, Area, and Personnel objects.
INT - Provides access to all of the above. This key will be able to view/create both HVAC and Security related objects.
Any Workstation with a SEC key will not be able to view any BACnet Devices or objects in the database and any with an HVAC key will not be able to view Security related objects in the database.
For more information see Different options on the CyberStation security key.