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Posted: 2021-06-2807:10 PM. Last Modified: 2024-03-2602:49 AM
Question is there something Back-UPS XS 1500
When my pc is 665 watts. When 256 mins when I plug the battery 35 mins left. Is there a better battery backup then this.
I have 3 backup batterys A question though? one of my batterys, I unlplug shows 64 mins then when I plug the 2 monitors, modem plus wireless router go's to 17 mins. Maybe I answer my own question but is the battery loosing battery life.
Why does a laptop always have 3 hours of battery when not plug in? Always wonder that lol
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Posted: 2021-06-2807:10 PM. Last Modified: 2024-03-2602:49 AM
I use the RS for Mac Pro and everything else on XS1500. Mine only does the overload problem when it is sleeping. although I guess something else might have triggered a wake-up or the APC may have triggered a test.
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Posted: 2021-06-2807:10 PM. Last Modified: 2024-03-2602:49 AM
I use the RS for Mac Pro and everything else on XS1500. Mine only does the overload problem when it is sleeping. although I guess something else might have triggered a wake-up or the APC may have triggered a test.