Metering & Power Quality
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Hi All,
I am using the PM8000 to capture data (Frequency and kW) pre and post a frequency event. To do this I am using a setpoint module with a limit (for instance 49.97) that triggers a data recorder to record 5s pre event and 10s post event.
When the record is complete a LogExport module sends the data (an xml) to an email server.
As per the attached I am getting issues whereby the data/indexing in the data recorder is somehow not chronological.
Referring to the attached if you scroll to the bottom of the file the first entry is DR pos =32 and the seconds of the timestamp is 12. Scrolling up through records you will notice that at DRpos =36 the time has suddenly jumped out of chronological order.
It turns out the records DR pos 32-35 should come after DR pos 47 to make this data set chronological.
I am wondering how I could have potentially got the data recorder indexing in this state and or how to get it back to chronological order?
The settings in the Data Recorder are:
Depth = 16
RecordMode = Circular
Insert Outage Records = No
Checksum = Disabled
Buffer Depth = 128
Timestamp Mode = Record Pulse
Pre Trigger Records = 5
Post Trigger Records = 10
Within the LogExport Module the only setting I believ of note is:
Max Send Records = 16
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Hello @ausfrosty1,
There is no setting in the meter that can force the meter to save data in a specific order. When using pre-trigger and post-trigger logging, you can't rely on the timestamps monotonically increasing with the record ID anymore. You have to use the timestamps to order the data.
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Hello @ausfrosty1,
There is no setting in the meter that can force the meter to save data in a specific order. When using pre-trigger and post-trigger logging, you can't rely on the timestamps monotonically increasing with the record ID anymore. You have to use the timestamps to order the data.
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