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Follow the steps below to properly uninstall ClearSCADA (server and client) from a PC.
Note: this procedure follows the uninstall procedure on a Windows Server 2012 PC. Make note of step 10) for differences in uninstalling from a different operating system.
1) Detailed instructions for uninstalling ClearSCADA may be found in the Installation Guide -- Appendix E - which may be found in the Documentation folder.
2) Bring the ClearSCADA server icon into view by selecting it from the system tray.
3) Right-click on the server icon and select 'Shutdown Server'.
4) Wait for the server icon to first turn red (shutting down) and then grey. When the icon turns grey the ClearSCADA server has been fully shut down.
5) Once the server icon turns grey right-click on the server icon again and select 'Exit'. The server icon will disappear from the system tray.
6) Shut down ViewX and the ClearSCADA Service Manager if they are running.
7) Open the Windows Control Panel (icons view) | Administrative Tools -- and double-click on 'Data Sources (ODBC)'. Select the 'System DSN' tab. Select 'ClearSCADA' (if available) and then select 'Remove'.
8) Next, open the Windows Control Panel (Category View) | Programs | Uninstall a Program.
9) Scroll down to 'Schneider Electric SCADA Expert ClearSCADA 20XX RX.X', right-click and select 'Uninstall'.
10) Follow the steps in the Installation Guide -- Uninstall Procedure (see step 1) and delete the appropriate folders for your OS (Operating System) type.
The following are examples of folders to delete on a Windows Server 2012 PC.
11) Delete the 'ClearSCADA' folder in C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric
12) Delete the 'ClearSCADA' folder in C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric.
13) Delete the 'ClearSCADA' folder in C:\Users\PC_User\AppData\Local\Schneider.
14) Open the Windows Registry by clicking on the Windows Start button and typing 'Regedit' in the search field.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Schneider Electric and delete the 'ClearSCADA' group.
15) Reboot the PC in order to complete the uninstall procedure. You should notice that the tree ClearSCADA icons that were on the desktop have now been removed.