EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Expert Forum
Schneider Electric support forum about installation, configuration, integration and troubleshooting of EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Expert (ClearSCADA, ViewX, WebX).
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Posted: 2024-01-30 04:12 AM
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Posted: 2024-02-01 02:49 AM
Code in C# to do this:
ClearScada.Client.Simple.Connection SimpleConnection;
ClearScada.Client.ServerNode node = new ClearScada.Client.ServerNode("", 5481);
SimpleConnection = new ClearScada.Client.Simple.Connection("Utility");
var secure = new SecureString();
// *** Modify to set your password and user name
var user = "";
var pass = "";
foreach (var c in pass)
SimpleConnection.LogOn(user, secure);
var userObject = SimpleConnection.GetObject("Demo Items.GEO Demo.Mobile.Darren");
var userGroupIds = userObject.GetProperty("UserGroupIds");
// You could read the old Ids and append, for example
var newGroup = SimpleConnection.GetObject("Demo Items.ExtAuth.LDAP.Groups.External WWW");
object [] gids = { newGroup.Id };
userObject.SetProperty("UserGroupIds", gids);
Or in Python with Pythonnet (I'm using Python 3.12)
# Import .Net runtime support - needs "pip install pythonnet" Works on Python 3.8 & 3.12
import clr
# Get Geo SCADA Library (could use the namespace if the dll is on PATH)
CS = clr.AddReference( "c:\\Program Files\\Schneider Electric\\ClearSCADA\\ClearSCADA.Client.dll" )
import ClearScada.Client as CSClient
# Create node and connect, then log in. (Could read net parameters from SYSTEMS.XML)
node = CSClient.ServerNode( CSClient.ConnectionType.Standard, "", 5481 )
connection = CSClient.Simple.Connection( "Utility" )
u = ""
p = ""
connection.Connect( node )
connection.LogOn( u, p )
userObject = connection.GetObject("Demo Items.GEO Demo.Mobile.Darren" )
userGroupIds = userObject.GetProperty("UserGroupIds")
from System import Object, Array, Byte
for i in userGroupIds:
gid = CSClient.ObjectId( i)
g = connection.GetObject( gid)
print(i, g.FullName)
newGroup = connection.GetObject("Demo Items.ExtAuth.LDAP.Groups.Test1")
newGroupIds = Array.CreateInstance( Object, 1)
newGroupIds.SetValue(newGroup.Id, 0)
userObject.SetProperty( "UserGroupIds", newGroupIds )
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Posted: 2024-01-30 08:49 AM
Probably the same way as the Bulk Edit tool.
It's worth a try.
The Bulk Edit Tool sets it by the user Group's Full Name
Setting Multiple in it is entered with comma's and no spaces.
Like this Security.User Groups.My Group1,Security.User Groups.My Group2
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Posted: 2024-01-31 09:42 PM
It turns out that it is not possible to set array of reference fields from a DML SQL query. It can only be achieved through code. I have now written a Powershell script to do the job. Once I've polished it I will probably publish it here for the benefit of others with a similar task. I've got the job done but it is functional but not yet suitable for publishing.
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Posted: 2024-02-01 02:49 AM
Code in C# to do this:
ClearScada.Client.Simple.Connection SimpleConnection;
ClearScada.Client.ServerNode node = new ClearScada.Client.ServerNode("", 5481);
SimpleConnection = new ClearScada.Client.Simple.Connection("Utility");
var secure = new SecureString();
// *** Modify to set your password and user name
var user = "";
var pass = "";
foreach (var c in pass)
SimpleConnection.LogOn(user, secure);
var userObject = SimpleConnection.GetObject("Demo Items.GEO Demo.Mobile.Darren");
var userGroupIds = userObject.GetProperty("UserGroupIds");
// You could read the old Ids and append, for example
var newGroup = SimpleConnection.GetObject("Demo Items.ExtAuth.LDAP.Groups.External WWW");
object [] gids = { newGroup.Id };
userObject.SetProperty("UserGroupIds", gids);
Or in Python with Pythonnet (I'm using Python 3.12)
# Import .Net runtime support - needs "pip install pythonnet" Works on Python 3.8 & 3.12
import clr
# Get Geo SCADA Library (could use the namespace if the dll is on PATH)
CS = clr.AddReference( "c:\\Program Files\\Schneider Electric\\ClearSCADA\\ClearSCADA.Client.dll" )
import ClearScada.Client as CSClient
# Create node and connect, then log in. (Could read net parameters from SYSTEMS.XML)
node = CSClient.ServerNode( CSClient.ConnectionType.Standard, "", 5481 )
connection = CSClient.Simple.Connection( "Utility" )
u = ""
p = ""
connection.Connect( node )
connection.LogOn( u, p )
userObject = connection.GetObject("Demo Items.GEO Demo.Mobile.Darren" )
userGroupIds = userObject.GetProperty("UserGroupIds")
from System import Object, Array, Byte
for i in userGroupIds:
gid = CSClient.ObjectId( i)
g = connection.GetObject( gid)
print(i, g.FullName)
newGroup = connection.GetObject("Demo Items.ExtAuth.LDAP.Groups.Test1")
newGroupIds = Array.CreateInstance( Object, 1)
newGroupIds.SetValue(newGroup.Id, 0)
userObject.SetProperty( "UserGroupIds", newGroupIds )
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