TAC Vista Server fails to start or "hangs" during startup.
"Ensure TAC Vista Server is started" error, after having just started Vista Server and attempting to open Workstation.
Product Line
TAC Vista
Vista Server
Corrupt Vista database
Bad installation of TAC Vista
Troubleshooting technique to determine if you have corruption of the TAC Vista Database or TAC Vista Software.
Determine if the TAC Vista Server is starting by observing the Tacos.exe process in Windows Task Manager. Server is crashing if Tacos.exe is not present or disappears after starting the Server.
- From the Start Menu, navigate to TAC Vista Server Setup and browse the Vista Server database location to a test location, i.e. :\DBTest. This will create a new "blank" database at that location.
- Attempt to start TAC Vista Server and observe results in Windows Task Manager. You should get one of two results:
- If TACOS.exe process is running and the Server seems to start correctly, you may have a corrupted Vista Database.
You may further investigate by copying the site Vista Database folder structure and placing it on another computer (with the same Vista Software version) to see if the Server will start. In some cases, it may be successful, a backup can be made and restored to site machine. In most cases, it will also fail. Restoring to a known good backup is the only recourse.
- If TACOS.exe process is not running and the Server seems to start incorrectly, you may have corrupted Vista Software. It is recommended to follow the uninstall/ reinstallation procedure for your version of Vista.
- If TACOS.exe process is running and the Server seems to start correctly, you may have a corrupted Vista Database.
You may further investigate by copying the site Vista Database folder structure and placing it on another computer (with the same Vista Software version) to see if the Server will start. In this case, it should be successful.