When looking in the EcoStruxure Building Operation Architectural Guidelines for the maximum number of Xenta and LonWorks devices per server, is a TAC Xenta I/O module placed under a TAC Xenta 300/400 counted as a LonWorks device?
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Building Operation Enterprise Server
- Building Operation Automation Server
The SmartX Server or Enterprise Server doesn't know that the TAC Xenta I/O module exists if it is placed under a TAC Xenta 300/400. The SmartX Server or Enterprise Server only communicates with the TAC Xenta 300/400 and not the TAC Xenta I/O modules under it.
The TAC Xenta I/O module does not count as a LonWorks device in the EcoStruxure Building Operation Architectural Guidelines if placed under a TAC Xenta 300/400.
This also means a TAC Xenta I/O placed under a TAC Xenta 300/400 does not count as a Hosted Node or Connected Product.