Lost MPM IP address
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Expert
SmartStruxure Lite MPM
Forgotten IP address
1. Connect your PC directly to your MPMs Ethernet port and set your computer network configuration to access the MPM at the default address of (example, set your PC to use address
2. Disconnect and re-connect power to MPM.
3. The MPM goes to Bootloader mode for approximately 10 seconds at start-up. You will see Blue and Green indicators (UN2/VA2 MPMs) alternate steadily during that time according to the following.
a. While the MPM is in Bootloader mode, you can access your config.db file at config.db.
b. Enter address in browser window before you restore power to not to miss the 10 second window. It may require more than one refresh attempt before you enter Bootloader.
4. The browser prompts you to open or save config.db file once successful connection is made.
5. Open file using text editor.
6. Search “ETH1_ip” field for IP address of your MPM to right side of “ETH1_ip”.
7. Enter IP address to browser address bar to access your MPM.