Encountered the error 'The Bcpv3 service is not installed under Config/Services' while trying to add a discovered BACnet device to the station database
Product Line
TAC IA Series
I/A Series G3 Enterprise Network Server / Workbench
The default view of the BacnetNetwork is now the 'Bcp Bacnet Device Manager' instead of the standard I/A Series G3 'Bacnet Device Manager'. This happens when the Distech Controls EC-NET-AX Support Package v3.0.2.8 (I/A Series G3 support files for Proview) is installed on the computer running the station. Refer to BCP Device Manager showing up with the BACnet Device Manager.
The Bcp Bacnet Device Manager is used to discover and add Distech devices. Using it to discover and add I/A Series BACnet controllers will result in the 'The Bcpv3 service is not installed under Config/Services' error. Third party non Distech devices may also exhibit the same symptoms.
Discover and add BACnet devices using the 'Bacnet Device Manager' instead of the 'Bcp Bacnet Device Manager'. The 'Bacnet Device Manager' is now the 2nd view of the BacnetNetwork (right-click on the BacnetNetwork and go to 'Views' > ' Bacnet Device Manager').