When EcoStruxure Building Operation (EBO) is installed after TAC Vista on the same PC, changes to the national character set in the OP Configuration Tool in Menta cause an error preventing the generation of the MTA file.
The error appears when the Generate command is selected in Menta. Depending on the combination of versions of EBO and TAC Vista, the error message is:
- "National character set not selected"
- "Cannot open file: struxureware path\ national.dec" (where struxureware path is the location of the Schneider Electric StruxureWare\ Building Operation 1.x installation folder)
- "ERROR! Failed to create OLE dispatcher: GraphOP.Application.320, GraphOP.Application.NSP"
Product Line
TAC Vista, EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Building Operation Workstation
- Vista Workstation
The installation of EBO overwrites settings in Menta regarding character sets. When Menta is opened with normal user rights, changes to character sets in the OP Configuration Tool are not saved due to the OS user security settings.
- Right-click on Menta in the program list and select "run as administrator".
- Then select your required character set in the OP Configuration Tool ("Formats | Character set file").
- The changes can now be saved and Menta will generate successfully.
- This procedure is only required the first time you run Menta after installing EcoStruxure Building Operation. Normal user rights can be used for subsequent editing sessions.