After TAC Vista Server is started, logging into TAC Vista Workstation, an error "Ensure that Vista Server is started" occurs.
Product Line
TAC Vista
- TAC Vista Server
- TAC Vista Workstation
- TAC Vista Webstation
This issue is due to the DCOM permissions that Vista Server relies on and they must be manually changed.
Helpful Vista Utilities - Configure DCOM instantly, Register ASP.NET contains a DCOM Utility that can automatically set the proper permissions to clear the issue.
To manually alter DCOM parameters:
- Locate the DCOM config in Component Service > Computers > My Computer
- Right-click TACOS and selected Properties
- Select Security tab
- Click the Edit in Launch and Activation Permissions.
- Add the appropriate groups or user names of computer and Allow them permissions.
After finishing the above procedures, the issue should be solved.
Error: "Ensure that Vista Server is started" when trying to log into TAC Vista Workstation. The serv... also discusses this issue.