How can I add a SmartStruxure Automation Server to TAC Vista using BACnet/IP and what is needed
Product Line
TAC Vista, EcoStruxure Building Operation
- TAC Vista
- Xenta 913
- Automation Server
Building Operation versions earlier than 3.2 are not FDA 21 Part 11 approved, In instances where the version is lower than 3.2 it can be achieved by using TAC Vista as a front end, and having Automation Servers as field controllers.
In Building Operation version 3.2 and later an optional Regulated Industries Compliance Pack is available that can be used without the need for TAC Vista as a front end.
1. Create a BACnet interface in Automation Server.
2. Create BACnet points in the "Application" folder
3. Browse the Automation Server with a BACnet browser (Here is a free tool)
4. Note the instance id's of the points
5. In TAC Vista, create a Xenta 913
6. Edit the Xenta 913
7. Create a "BACnet IP Client" interface and give it the IP address of the Automation Server
8. Create a BACnet device template containing the points you need - refer to the id's previously discovered
9. Add the device template to the "BACnet IP Client" interface in XBuilder
10. Save and download the project
11. Now you get the live values from the Automation Server in TAC Vista