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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:33 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:18 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:33 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:18 PM
I just buy it SUA1000I and its really great ups. I need to see a pop-up window with time left until battery dies and initiate shut down . I ám a stock trader so this is very important for me because I may be in a trade and I need to know exactly how much time I have left . I installed Power chute but nothing happents when it switches to battery (it only send an email to a preset adress ) . I need to see a countdown or something .
thank you,
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:35 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:35 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
Thank you,
In that case I have one of the most reliable UPS's out there !
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:33 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:18 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:33 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:18 PM
I paste on my explorer http://IPAddress:3052 and i get error.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:33 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:18 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:33 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:18 PM
PFC on PSU its not the same thing as AVR ?
I will try today with ip and post results ,right now Im at home . Only now i get it what I must do .I did not know apc support its so fast and great !
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:18 PM
If you do have PowerChute Business Edition installed, you can access the Agent Web Interface by accessing it using a web browser. Key in http://IPAddress:3052, once you are on the web interface click on Events and then Actions. You will see all the actions that the agent can see and the different things that you can do i.e. Notification, E-mail and Shutdown.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:18 PM
Good day Marius,
One thing that comes to my mind is scripting. If you are familiar on how to write one, then maybe you can experiment on creating a countdown timer.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
I dont know how to do it ,maybe you can help if its easy 🙂
Ps. I use pc abaut 8 hours/day ,the rest of 16 hours its off. Maybe I should turn off the ups after I finish the job beacuse it uses abaut 40w/hour when its on ? By doing this I will extend battery life 'or the contrary ?
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
Unfortunately I am not that much of a scripting. Even if you turn off the load and the UPS, the UPS would still be charging the battery as long as it is attached to a power source/outlet.
Frequent transfer of the UPS to online or on battery can cause a possible shorter battery life.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
than where is going the 40W while is on ?
Ps. Please tell me if your ups when it switches to battery it triggers any pop up window to show informations abaut time left on battery . if not were i can see that ?
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
thank you !
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
Today I heard a click from UPS but I did not recived any email notification with event .then I remove it power from ups to see if smtp works fine and I recived email with notification. Maybe AVR HIGH/LOW voltage didnt made email notifications ? I just found it on event log that on 13:33:47 = AVR Boost Active ,than at 13:33:50 = AVR Boost No Longer Active. What AVR Boost means ? Can I enable it to send email notifications , or pop up window ?
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
With regards to your first post, did you change the IPAddress into the actual IP address of your PC where PCBE is installed? Also try using
AVR Boost is one of the feature of our Smart-UPS. It means that the UPS has detected a very low voltage that is not sufficient to power the load. The UPS has a transformer inside that boosted up the voltage.
What kind of Operating System are you using by the way? Where did you get these event logs?
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
os: windows 7 64bits
Event log from pcbe
I did not changed ip. Im connected to my ups through usb.
Ps. My psu its corsair 650tx pfc active. for me to know.. if ups was not there when avr boost i think psu would do the job right ? What are the consequences if we are not protected when low voltage occurs ? Pc may shut down ?
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
For you to access the PCBE Web Interface you need to use:
http://IPAddress:3052 where IPAddress is the IP address of the PC where PCBE is installed.
If you are accessing it locally or from where PCBE is installed you can use:
It would depend on your PSU if it has voltage regulation feature. If you have a low voltage, it can affect a lot of things like for a light bulb. If you have a low voltage it tends to get dimmed. For motors, it tends to work hard causing an overheat. The device tends to exert more effort to perform its tasks.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
PFC on PSU its not the same thing as AVR ?
I will try today with ip and post results ,right now Im at home . Only now i get it what I must do .I did not know apc support its so fast and great !
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
Hi Crossing,
Power Factor Correction (PFC) and Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) are two different things. AVR is the one that regulates the voltage, it boost or trims the voltage if it falls below or above the threshold set. The PFC on the other side is a technology that is being used to ensure that whatever amount of power the device consume is also the same amount it delivers or provide.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
I acces it apc intrface via url you give it to me ,thanks !
Abaut consumption , why this mode SUA1000I takes abaut 35W/hour while ide (PC is shut down ) ? I thought that if the battery is fully charghed there is no need for UPS to spend so much in vain ( while all equipaments are off at least )and will start only when battery start to discharge = SMART UPS .
ps. I noticed on interface that ups will shut down pc 5 minutes before battery is near to be empty. So the only way to see how much time I have left is to use Console to see how much time I have left and calculate the time minus 5 minutes.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
I believe that is the easiest way on your setup. You can also shutdown the UPS based on the amount of time that the unit has ran on battery.
With regards to power consumption. For this particular unit, even if the load is off the UPS is continuously charging the battery. We call this as trickle charging.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
That will cost me 1euro/month only because is pluged in ... Thats not a problem, but float charge have a lower consumption in that case ,or thats the typical consequences in general for UPS users ? I have another Offline UPS that uses 20W/Hour when pluged in , I think maybe because its only 650va/450w What are the advantages of trickle charges compare with float ?
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
Trickle charge/charging is the action to keep the battery at the float voltage.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:34 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
So trickle charge will not kill my battery too soon ? I think that continuous charging especially in my case ( because I need to be safe with UPS only 8 hours/day ) may diminish the capacity of battery faster . Maybe I should unplug it every day ? Or by doing so instead of changing the batterys after 2 years I will change it after 2years and 2 months 🙂 ,in that case would not worth the effort.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:35 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
APC batteries life span is 3~5 years depending on the condition that the battery has been through. If you are going to unplug the UPS every now and then this would cause the battery to discharge. Frequent discharging would affect the battery life.
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:35 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
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Posted: ‎2021-06-30 02:35 AM . Last Modified: ‎2024-03-10 11:17 PM
Thank you,
In that case I have one of the most reliable UPS's out there !
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