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>>Message imported from previous forum - Category:Realflo Electronic Flow Measurement<< User: mchartrand, originally posted: 2018-10-17 19:03:19 Id:88 This is a re-posting from the obsoleted (October 2018) "Schneider Electric Telemetry & SCADA" forum.
**_ebret: Can RealFLO be installed in more than one PC? The CD with RealFLO can be used to have the PC-based application installed on the field laptop as well on the engineer desktop and the maintenance desktop?_**
mchartrand: RealFLO is sold as a single-user product, however, it's not licensed in any hardware or software way, meaning that from a single copy, multiple installations can be made. That being said, we don't mind if it's installed on a backup machine, but would require that multiple copies be purchased for quantities beyond that.