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Unlike many other PLC programming software, Control Expert does not allow you to create your own dynamically sized blocks. For example in Codesys/Machine Expert you can add and remove pins you want/don't want.
This would be beneficial when for example creating highly generic and advanced function blocks with many "optional" features. Because of being unable to hide unused pins I have ended up with many "variants" of blocks which has code duplications because they share the same basic functionality but have different "optionals" and this is because I simply don't want huge function blocks displaying in the code with maybe 10+ unused pins. Being able to hide those dynamically would help much.
It might also be handy to have some kind of way to tell if a pin is connected/used. You might want to assign "optional" inputs pins a certain value or execute a slightly different segment of code depending on if it is connected/used or not. I imagine something like a function IsConnected(pin_name) returning true/false.