Schneider Electric support forum about Power Meters (ION, PowerTag, PowerLogic) and Power Quality from design, implementation to troubleshooting and more.
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One of the three pillars of our differentiation strategy for Advanced Metering is excellence in accuracy. Our team of specialists work very closely with the standardization bodies to understand and influence the standards so that our products are always in the cutting edge of technology.
The new editions of accuracy standards for both ANSI (already published) and IEC (to be published soon) bring a lot of new requirements to make sure that the revenue meters are suitable for use in modern electricity distribution networks. These revisions underscore the benefits of higher accuracy class 0.1 metering: increased meter robustness, and increased metrological performance with highly distorted signals.
It's up to us to help our end users understand the benefits of having a device that complies with the latest editions of these standards. This is an important differentiation that no other manufacturer can provide at the moment! Please let us know if we can help. We've done webinars around these topics in the past and I'm sure we could organize more sessions if there's interest.