Metering & Power Quality
Schneider Electric support forum about Power Meters (ION, PowerTag, PowerLogic) and Power Quality from design, implementation to troubleshooting and more.
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Can someone explain to me how bad this figure is for ATHDF%...using a Tektronix power meter PA1000 to characterise a power adapter 230VAC to 5Vdc. The power adapter has a rating of 5V output, max 1A. When loaded at max 1A, the power meter provides a power factor reading of 0.427 and ATHDF% of 154. I'm having difficulty interpreting 154 for THDF(current). 154% looks bad but is it normal for these cheap type switching PSUs? At 25% load or 250mA the reading increases to 163%.
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I'm not familiar with the term "ATHDF%" nor the "Tektronix power meter PA1000", but if I had to guess this is the "Amps Total Harmonic Distortion as a % of Fundamental".
Yes, >100% current distortion as a % of fundamental is very typical for all switch-mode power supplies without active PFC. Normally for most loads <50W, load current THD is not a concern.
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I'm not familiar with the term "ATHDF%" nor the "Tektronix power meter PA1000", but if I had to guess this is the "Amps Total Harmonic Distortion as a % of Fundamental".
Yes, >100% current distortion as a % of fundamental is very typical for all switch-mode power supplies without active PFC. Normally for most loads <50W, load current THD is not a concern.
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Great, thanks for the reply. Yes, your guess of the acronym ATHDF% is correct.
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