What kind of preparation must be done prior to upgrading a Continuum LAN system?
Continuum Cyberstation
SQL Server
Continuum Upgrade
- Study the Continuum Compatibility Matrix and the Continuum Video Compatibility Matrix.
- Plan the upgrade of supporting software applications and hardware using the Continuum compatibility matrix as your guide.
- .Net versions and SQL versions must be compatible with the final version of Continuum before you begin the upgrade process.
- Older CX controllers (with firmware <= 1.500029) use a different algorithm for defining handles so they should be up-rev’d prior to the upgrade process.
- For all other controller the controller firmware can be upgraded after the front end systems upgrade has been completed.
- The upgrade process presents an opportunity to make an assessment of all computer hardware that is currently being used in order to make recommendations for upgrading hardware. This is especially important with respect to the Continuum Database server.
- Selecting the right server is a process that involves determining the customer’s needs and defining the systems requirements. This is an engineering decision that is beyond the scope of Product Support Services. The customers IT department will likely be involved in this process also.
- When are adding a new database server, it may be advantageous to build your Continuum server and prepare the Continuum database off-site.
- Completing a Continuum LAN system upgrade is a complex process and not something that you can accomplish simply by following a step list.
- It is crucial that an engineer who is experienced with the Continuum LAN upgrade process on site to direct the upgrade. This is both to ensure that the upgrade process is handled correctly and to mentor technicians who will be involved in future upgrades on LAN systems.