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📖HomeBack ClearSCADA provides a Remote Connection object in the SCADAPack Modbus driver to allow TelePACE and ClearSCADA to share a communications path to field devices. This is very useful when communications occurs to SCADAPack RTUs using serial communications which could not normally be shared simultaneously between ClearSCADA and TelePACE.
To allow TelePACE and ClearSCADA to communicate via a single serial port, you need to configure TelePACE to connect via ClearSCADA and configure ClearSCADA to allow it to route data between TelePACE and field devices.
Configuring TelePACE
To configure TelePACE:
Select the Communications menu and the PC Communication Settings option.
From the displayed list of connection options, select ClearSCADA and press Configure.
Configure the settings in the screen above to match the settings that are configured in ClearSCADA.
Modbus Station
The address of the outstation with which you want to communicate.
Outstation Set
The address of the outstation set that contains the outstation with which you want to communicate.
IP Address/Name
The IP address of the ClearSCADA server.
TCP Port Number
The address of the port that is used to send data to the outstation. The port number that is configured for the Remote Connection in ClearSCADA must match this port number.
Select the OK button to confirm your entries and close the ClearSCADA Configuration display.
Configuring ClearSCADA
To configure ClearSCADA:
In ViewX, create a SCADAPack Modbus Remote Connection object (Right-click on a Group or System icon in the Database bar, then select New>SCADAPack Modbus>Remote Connection.
Give the Remote Connection an appropriate name, then access its configuration Form.
On the Remote Connection tab, tick the In Service checkbox so that the Remote Connection item is 'live' in the database.
On the Connection tab, ensure that the Port number is the same as the TCP Port Number you defined in Telepace. This is the port that Telepace will use to receive data ('listen' for data).
Remote Connection.JPGRemote Connection.JPG
Save the Form.
Your system is now set up to allow Telepace and ClearSCADA to communicate with a single serial port at the same time. Any communications to an RTU from within TelePACE should now work as expected, however instead of directly communicating with the RTU's, it will be communicating via the existing ClearSCADA connection.