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Originally published on Geo SCADA Knowledge Base by Anonymous user | June 10, 2021 12:55 AM
DNP3 Flag | OPC Quality |
Online flag = 0 | Bad - Out of Service |
Restart flag = 1 | Bad - Waiting for Initial Data |
Comms Lost = 1 | Bad - Comm Failure |
Chatter Filter = 1 | Uncertain - Sensor Cal (Binary Input) |
A/D Reference Check=1 | Uncertain - Sensor Cal (Analogue Input) |
Overrange = 1 | Uncertain - Engineering units exceeded (Analogue). |
Discontinuity | Uncertain - Sensor Cal (Counter and Frozen Counter) |
Local Forced | Good - Local Override* |
Remote Forced = 1 | Good - Local Override* |
Rollover = 1 | No equivalent (now deprecated in DNP3) |
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