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📖HomeBack Installing a licence file is a very simple process, but what people often forget is that it is sometimes necessary to configure the licence file in two places. A quick description of the way the licence is configured may provide a better understanding of why this is necessary.
Any server licence purchased for Geo SCADA consists of two components - server options and client licences. The server options consists of things such as number of points available, which drivers are licensed, number of web clients and whether redundancy is enabled. The client licence is also configured in the same licence file (or on the dongle) that allows the local ViewX client to connect to other Geo SCADA servers in the system. This connection must be made from the server machine and cannot be used on another machine (an additional ViewX licence is required for other machines).
When the Geo SCADA server starts, the server tries to detect a licence that determines how it can run. When the ViewX client is started, it will also try to determine whether or not there is a client licence that allows it to connect to Geo SCADA servers in the system. If this licence is not present, then the Geo SCADA server will reject the connection.
For a dongle, both server and client licence is automatically configured when the Geo SCADA server detects the presence of the dongle.
A licence file must be installed so that both the server and client components can use the licence.
To install the server licence:
Copy the licence file (*.lic) to the hard disk and note its location. Do not use the Users folder to save licenses, please use the c:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA folder. This is because the license server process is a service which cannot read files in the Users folder by default.
Right click on the server icon and select Licence Details.
Under the Licence File section of the displayed dialog, select the browse button.
Browse to the licence file and click on OK.
Verify that the sections Information, Drivers, Limits and Features update to show licence data as expected.
Click on OK to close the dialog.
To install the client licence:
Make sure the licence file is copied to the hard disk and note its location as in step 1 above.
From the Geo SCADA program menu (Start menu), select "Configure Connections".
Select the Licences option.
Under the Configuration section of the displayed dialog, select the browse button.
Browse to the licence file and click on OK.
Verify that the sections Information and Limits update to show licence data as expected.