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📖HomeBack Please read the information below prior to installing Geo SCADA Expert 2019 for important information on any known issues.
The principal change for Licensing is Virtual ViewX. Please read the Release Notes for a full explanation.
In brief, Virtual ViewX requires a separately installed Virtual ViewX license for the number of clients per web server. Also the web server itself requires a client license for the database connections - this is sold as a Virtual ViewX web server license.
User Interface
Blurry Maps and/or Lists on high DPI displays using Text Scaling
High resolution displays that are configured to use Text Scaling can result in displays of ClearSCADA's Map Displays and Lists to be noticeably pixelated and blurry. The impact for Map Displays is aesthetic only and should not impact useability, however applying non-standard scaling impacts the display of Lists because the table content becomes too wide for the column width, obscuring some content from view.
Crystal Reports
A problem with exporting Crystal Reports on Windows 8 and 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 has been identified. It is triggered by the report containing Boolean parameters with the "Exclusive group" option enabled. Subject to confirmation, the likely cause is the SAP crystal run-time rather than Geo SCADA Expert 2019.
OPC Registration
On a clean installation, the classes for OPCDA, OPCAE and OPCHDA servers are not registered. The user would need to open the Client Configuration dialog and click OK on the configured connection for the OPC classes to be registered. This was changed in 2015 to add support for the Systems.xml file.
Wonderware Historian (issue reference SUP-9319)
An issue has been identified within the Wonderware Historian (WWH) interface whereby it does not operate correctly after upgrades from ClearSCADA 2015 and 2015 R2, and causes a ClearSCADA server exception when starting the database.
This can be resolved by performing a "repair" on the Geo SCADA Expert 2019 Server installation in Windows Control Panel. After a repair of the installation has been performed, a restart of the ClearSCADA server should result in successful system operation.
Virtual ViewX Additional Security Settings
There are additional settings which you can add to the configuration to increase security.
You may edit the configuration file: C:\ProgramData\Cybele Software\Thinfinity\VirtualUI\Thinfinity.VirtualUI.Server.ini