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📖HomeBack The following example projects are provided with ClearSCADA.
ClearSCADA Features Presentation: an interactive presentation of the features of ClearSCADA.
Demo Projects: a demonstration of ClearSCADA showing how to employ many useful features.
Symbol Library: symbols you can use in your project.
Example Projects
The Evaluation installation automatically installs all the example projects. For other installations you must manually install the projects.
To manually install the example projects:
Start the ClearSCADA server and ViewX client.
From the Database Explorer Bar in ViewX, right click on the system name and select Import.
Browse to the location of the Example Projects.sde file (on the CD this is 'CD':\DemoProjects)
Click Open, when warned regarding a large and long import, click Yes to proceed.
The import may take a couple of minutes depending on your PC.
If objects exist in your database before importing the symbol library, errors may occur when importing. The Import command can be used to merge the example projects with your existing objects. However, if objects in the database have the same name as objects in the example projects, Import will overwrite existing objects with objects from the example projects.
Symbol Library
The example projects include a symbol library. This is automatically installed with the example projects. The symbol library may be installed on it's own as well. This is useful if you don't want the example projects, or your license does not provide enough points to install the example projects.
To install the symbol library only:
Start the ClearSCADA server and ViewX client.
From the Database Explorer Bar in ViewX, right click on the system name and select Import.
Browse to the location of the Symbol Library.sde file (on the CD this is 'CD':\ClearSCADA\Product\DemoProjects)
Click Open, when warned regarding a large and long import, click Yes to proceed.
The import will take a couple of minutes depending on your PC.
If objects exist in your database before importing the symbol library, errors may occur when importing. The Import and Merge command can be used to merge the symbol library with your existing objects. However, if objects in the database have the same name as objects in the symbol library, Import and Merge will overwrite existing objects with objects from the symbol library.
See Also
The Tools & Samples page, which has some additional configuration examples you can use.