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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:51 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:51 PM
recently i bought an server AP9470,with 25-nodes license of AP9525 which i activate it with one-time pass-code and redeem it from my registered account & infraStruXure Central Software version of
I have these questions write down below and i hope that you would help me about these issues:
1- I connected my laptop to public LAN of Infrastruxure and its DHCP set my laptop IP address automatically in its IP network range then i could be able to download DCE client for my windows.
after installing the DCE client on my laptop,set the eth0 of AP9470 IP Address,Subnet mask,Gateway
and Host name.
eth 0 (IP: | subnet: | DGW:
eth 1 (IP: | subnet: DHCP
2- I connected the private LAN (eth0) to the our network switch port number 10 which is Cisco.
Our IT department couldn't ping the eth0 IP ,on the network,but they said to me that the AP9470 send out 3 MAC address,and the switch learn those MAC,and switch couldn't assign the to the number 10 port of switch and it changes the MAC address
there are 3 MAC address,1st to 5th octet are static,but the last one (6th Octet on MAC) changes to
xx : xx : xx : xx :26
xx : xx : xx : xx :27
xx : xx : xx : xx :28
and they can not ping over the network.
Third question is: what is eth1b?it send out the MAC add. with this type" xx : xx : xx : xx :28 "
what is this Ethernet?i think its not physically exist and its logical (virtual) right?
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Matthew,
Only one network port (GB1) should be connected to your corporate network using a normal straight through cable. The secondary NIC with it's private LAN A and B should not be connected to the same network. GB2 is only for use if you are configuring a network to which only DCE has access. That network should never be interconnected with your corporate network. As noted in the online help:
StruxureWare Data Center Expert server is not a multi-homed server.
Perhaps contacting tech support directly would allow one of our support reps to walk you through the initial configuration of the server.
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:51 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:51 PM
Hi Matthew,
To add a license to DCE, get the mac address as listed on the web page or through the help page in the DCE client. Register that mac address on . Redeem the passcode for license key against that mac address and now you have a license key. If you can access the server from the private LAN, that is enough to be able to add the license key. Please note that when you copy/paste the license key from the registration page, you will likely also copy a space character that must be removed before the key can actually be used on the server. It's a known issue and should be addressed going forward.
You can connect your devices to any of the LANs. If you already have them on your public network already and wish to keep them there, you would use the public LAN(eth0) and not use the private LAN (eth1) I would also suggest that if you're using a 192.168 scheme on the public LAN that you do not use the same scheme on the private LAN and that you change the private LAN to maybe a 10.10 address. If you want them off of you public LAN, you can put them on the private LAN which is a separate network not to be connected to your existing LAN.
The 3rd address is also a private network. This is an optional network used when you have the DHCP server running on the private LAN but also wish to have static IPs for devices, often times modbus devices.
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:51 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:51 PM
Hello Steve Thanks for your quick and useful answer. My environments over the network is on this subnet : 23 for example one of our APC UPS with NMC is connected through switches on the network with IP Address of : /23 then for monitoring this UPS i have to connect ISX on the same LAN which is : and IP address that i assign to the ISX Private LAN is /23 Thing that i understood from your answer is that first of all i should register my license via Redeem the pass-code for license key and after that import it on DCE,right? And I think the major problem that i can not see and pinging the ISX on the Private LAN is the license that is not imported and it causes the ISX doesn't be able to communicates and reachable over the network,right?
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:51 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:51 PM
Hi Matthew, As I mentioned, if you're going to use a public LAN of 192.168.x.x, you should change the private LAN IP scheme, just so the system doesn't get confused. Yes, register the server then redeem the passcode against that server. It will then give you a license key and you put that in the server. Licenses have nothing to do with the accessibility of the server. Licenses will only add the ability to monitor more devices. On a hardware server, you have 25 nodes to start with. Please be sure that you do not connect the public and private LANs to the same network as it is not designed to be used that way. You shouldn't be able to ping the private LAN if you are on the public LAN. You must have been able to access the private LAN at some point as you were able to provide the public LAN with an IP. Can you access the server from the public LAN? Can you ping that? What physical connections do you have? Other than IP addresses, what configurations have you done to the system? Steve
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:51 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:51 PM
Steven,i attached my network Diagram this is how my environments are connected together. when i connect my laptop directly to the LAN2 (Private LAN) it assigned my laptop an IP address in its DHCP range and i can ping it,and even can open its GUI on the browser with its ip address : (your advice was this: change the IP Address of public LAN into for example I dont understand what do you mean of this question: "What physical connections do you have?" and the last things that remain is about this: "what configurations have you done to the system?" which system did u mean?
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:51 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Matthew. What I meant by physical connections was what you have in the diagram. the network wiring. So it looks to me like everything is working. If you connect to the private LAN (eht1 / GB2), you get an IP. If you connect through the public LAN (eth0/GB1), you can connect to your network. Your diagram image shows GB1 as the "private LAN". This is incorrect. It may be your internal network but it is DCE's "public LAN". In the configuration you have in the diagram, you should not be able to ping the Private LAN IP, only the public LAN IP.
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:51 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Just an added note, The "Public LAN" is meant to connect to your network. The "Private LAN" is meant as a separate network for only DCE to access.
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:51 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Steven,i'm a little bit confused. * in my diagram,i connected the LAN (eth0)with the ip address , to the cisco switch. Did i done it wrong? ** Did i connected my ups,nbrk,... to the network correctly?
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Matthew, Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question. Your graphic showed GB1 as Private, I simply corrected you to say that is Public. Maybe that is why I was confused which LAN you were connected to and which you were pinging. In any case, Licensing has no effect on ping. Ping is not disabled on the server. It is likely that there is something on your network. If you connect directly to the public LAN (GB1) and manually configure an IP similar to DCE's, can you then ping it? Other than ping, is there anything wrong with the system? As I mentioned, if you have 192.168.x.x on both public and private, the networking of DCE can get confused. This is usually to do with monitoring or alerting but maybe it could have issues with ping, I don't know. Steve
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Steven Thats my bad,i'm sorry. By the way , i wanted to connect UPS , Cooling and etc on my network,every one of my devices (nodes) has an IP Address in this range: OK?All of them are connected to the network through a manageable CISCO Switch. in the other hand,which port of the ISX should be connect to the CISCO Switch?The IP that we want to assign to the ISX is PLEASE just tell me which LAN of ISX should I configure?
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Matthew. I believe you mentioned you could connect and get an IP with GB2. Connect using that port and configure LAN 1 with the 192.168.114.x IP. Then connect the GB1 (eht0) to the switch that also connects to the devices...the same way you have it set up in your diagram. This is of course assuming that this is also your main network.
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hello again I have an important question which linked to my previous question. Which type of network cable should I use to connect GB1 or GB2 of ISX to a Cisco Switch or router? I used straight cable to connect GB1 or GB2 to the Cisco router,and i think because of this cable type,the AP 9470 sends out three MAC address and can not assign the static IP address on my network,and i couldn't ping its ip address over the network. Am I right? should I used Cross over to connect ISX to Router?
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Steven my problem has been solved by your guidance. thank you for your complete and informative answers.
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Glad you could get it figured out!
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Matthew,
Only one network port (GB1) should be connected to your corporate network using a normal straight through cable. The secondary NIC with it's private LAN A and B should not be connected to the same network. GB2 is only for use if you are configuring a network to which only DCE has access. That network should never be interconnected with your corporate network. As noted in the online help:
StruxureWare Data Center Expert server is not a multi-homed server.
Perhaps contacting tech support directly would allow one of our support reps to walk you through the initial configuration of the server.
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:52 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Steven ,Thanks for your quick and complete reply I dont wanna bother you but i am a little bit confuse to run my ISX ap9470 could you please draw a simple diagram of how to connect a ups on the network and an ISX ap9470 with a cisco router between those? and draw or screen shot of the Console of ISX (DCIE Client) on the NETWORK tab? i just want that my ISX AP9470 ables to connect through network to my ups.which port of ISX should be connect to the router?which ip address should i assign on its LAN (which LAN) to detect my ups SNMP card packets to recognizes it? sorry again cause i'm a little bit confused.
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:53 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
ups ip address is on this network there are so many computers and servers which are working simultaneously. I want to assign this IP to ISX AP9470 LAN. ** Should I disable the other LAN of ISX(LAN GB1?or LANGB2?)? ***Which LAN of ISX AP9470 should I connect to the router on the network?(LAN GB1?or LANGB2?)
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:53 AM . Last Modified: 2024-04-08 11:50 PM
Hi Matthew, I do not believe a picture is necessary. 1: connect to the private LAN with a laptop. This is GB2. 2: Since your corporate network is 192.168,.x.x, change the scheme of the private network to 10.10.x.x 3: Reconnect to the private LAN using these new settings. 4: Set the public LAN to a 192.168 address if it is not already configured. 5: Connect GB1 (ETH0) to your corporate network 6: make sure GB2 is NOT connected to the corporate network 7: Make sure the UPS is on the corporate network and communicating. 8: Plug your laptop into your corporate network ensuring it can communicate with other systems on the network. 9: Try to connect to DCE using the IP you gave it for GB1 (ETH0) If you can connect, all is good. If you can not connect, more troubleshooting is required and you may want to have someone on the phone with you from support to walk you through troubleshooting. Steve
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Posted: 2020-07-03 03:53 AM . Last Modified: 2023-10-31 11:36 PM
This question is closed for comments. You're welcome to start a new topic if you have further comments on this issue.
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