Procedure to update the Netbotz Wireless Sensors firmware
EcoStruxure IT forum
Schneider Electric support forum about installation and configuration for DCIM including EcoStruxure IT Expert, IT Advisor, Data Center Expert, and NetBotz
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Step 2: Install the Utility by using an option "Run as Administrator"
Remove the Wireless Coordinator from the Netbotz and connect it in the laptop. Install the appropriate drive for the wireless coordinator to communicate with wireless sensors Drivers ere available in the Firmware package itself as shown in below snap.
Install the driver and verify that the driver installed properly.
Open the Utility and select the Auto Join and click on OK. Please make sure all the wireless sensors were switched ON.
Utility will be automatically join all the wireless sensors when Auto join is enabled. Confirm, all the sensors were available in the Network list as shown below
•Browse for the firmware package “”.Dont unzip the file.
•Once firmware is loaded to the utility ,you can able to see the current version and available update version.
•Once the devices are ready, click on “Apply”.
•Firmware will start to Upgrade.
Once firmware upgrade is completed, remove the USB coordinator and install it back in Netbotz device.
When update is completed status will be changed to “Done” and Progress will be changed to “Success”.