Have to download a new NXE file, and I have now 4 possibilities:
- Keep current configuration in device
- Download current configuration to device
- Download default configuration to device
Upload configuration from device.
So, what happens when I select the different lines?
The 4 options available when commissioning a Xenta 100 Series device as well as performing a NXE download are misleading.
SmartStruxure 1.4.1 and 1.5
LonWorks Interface
Current descriptions of the four choices are not clear when the Device Application (NXE) file is downloaded at the same time as configuration parameters to the device. The 4 actions are executed after the NXE download. Before downloading or uploading the device configuration, carefully consider the effects of overwriting the current device configuration in the LonWorks device or Building Operation server.
When the Device application file check box is selected during the Commissioning of a LonWorks device the following is true for each of the four options:
Keep current configuration in device
The NXE file is downloaded, but as the NXE also contains the default parameters which will place the configuration in the device back to default. This causes a mismatch between Building Operation database and the properties in the device. To get the device to work you must perform a Download the device configuration. -
Download current configuration to device
The NXE file is downloaded, and the configuration is then downloaded from the Building Operation database to the device. The device works OK after the download. -
Download default configuration to device
As the text says, the Default configuration is downloaded after the NXE file is downloaded, and also loaded into the Building Operation database. -
Upload configuration from device
The NXE file is downloaded, but as the NXE also contains the default parameters, the configuration in the device will go back to default. After the NXE file is downloaded, the configuration in the device (which now is the default configuration) is automatically uploaded to the Building Operation database. If this option is picked your device will be set back to the default setting along with your Building Operation database after the download. This option should not be selected as any configuration made to the device will be lost.
The 4 actions are executed after the NXE download. Before downloading or uploading the device configuration, carefully consider the effects of overwriting the current device configuration in the LonWorks device or Building Operation server.
Future plans (beyond 1.5) are to move the Device Application file (NXE) download to a separate dialog window to perform this function.