A multi-port router can be represented in a LonMaker drawing using several LonMaker Basic Shapes routers if the internal structure of the L-IP is understood. Alternatively, Loytec provides a stencil library of their routers that can be used.
Product Line
TAC Vista
- LonMaker
- Visio
- Loytec L-IP routers
- L-IP-3ECT, L-IP-1ECT, L-IP-33, L-IP-3333, LS-13333, LS-11333, LS-13300 LS-33300, LS-33, LS-13, LS-11
The LonMaker Basic Shapes router only represents a single port router (near side/far side). To represent the 2, 3, or 4 port L-IP routers requires multiple basic routers with different channel types, or one of the device templates from the Loytec Shapes stencil library.
- Download the latest Loytec Shapes 5.0 stencil library here.
- Extract the contents of the .zip file
- Move the LoytecShapes.vss files to C:\LonWorks\LonMaker\Visio
Note: This is assuming that LonMaker is installed at the default location on the C: drive - Start LonMaker
- Go to File > Stencils > LoytecShapes
- Select the router part number that matches the physical device. The appropriate channels for the router will be added along with the shape. Each port can now be commissioned separately.
See also How to Configure Lonworks Network Interfaces to Communicate on the IP to a Loytec L-IP Router using ... for more information.