Modbus integration to Schneider Electric's PM1200 Power Meter
Product Line
TAC IA Series
I/A Series R2 Modbus Async (asynchronous) Integration
Requires the correct settings / configuration for Modbus integration to PM1200 power meter
In WorkPlace Pro, open the UNC station and make changes to the following settings to integrate to the PM1200 power meter via Modbus Async (asynchronous).
- In the ModbusAsyncService properties, 'Comm' tab, ensure that the COM port settings matches the communications settings in the power meter.
- In the ModbusAsyncService properties, 'General' > 'Config' tab, change the floatByteOrder to 'order_1_0_3_2'.
- In the ModbusGenericAI object, the dataType should be set as 'Float'. dataAddress > addressFormat should be set as 'Modbus'. Use the register address as per the PM1200 documentation.
Refer to the following documentation for details.