- How to estimate the amount of equipment needed for a LNS Vista system?
- What are the recommendations and limitations for LNS Vista system?
Product Line
TAC Vista
- LNS database
- TAC Vista
- Loytec L-IP
- NIC852
It is very important to plan ahead when designing an LNS database in Vista in order to have a stable, robust system. Listed here are some recommendations for LNS database in TAC Vista.
- One LNS database can support up to 3000 devices.
- Each channel can have max. 100 devices (with repeater).
- Use one L-IP per building or do not share devices among buildings under one L-IP. Otherwise, need to run the FT-10 wire between buildings.
- If possible, create one LNS database per building. This is easier for trouble shooting and maintenance purposes. Then, use a NIC852 in order to manage multiple LNS database in one Vista Server. Follow the rules as below:
- Without NIC852, one Vista server can only take up to 4 LNS databases. (With large LNS database, number will decrease.)
NOTE: NIC852 is not required in this case, but recommended for large networks in order to achieve better performances - With one NIC852, Vista server can take up to 7 LNS database. (There are 8 ports on NIC852, but Vista server takes one.)
- One Vista sever can take up to 4 NIC852. Therefore, one Vista sever can take up to 31 LNS databases. (Suggestion: do not extend 30 LNS databases, and better keep the number under 28.)
- Without NIC852, one Vista server can only take up to 4 LNS databases. (With large LNS database, number will decrease.)
- If additional Vista servers are required, a multi-server system can be used. (It is recommended to not use more than 10 servers together for best performance.)
For Xenta Group and Xenta programmable controller specifications in a LNS database, please read Xenta Group and Xenta Programmable Device specifications for an LNS system.