Planning an upgrade and need to know which Infinity system controllers can NOT be upgraded to Continuum.
Product Line
Andover Continuum
- Infinity
- Continuum
- CX9000, CX9100, CX9001, CX9101
- CMX220, CMX221, CMX222, CMX230, CMX231, CMX232, CMX240, CMX241, CMX245, CMX246
Some Infinity system controllers can NOT be upgraded to Continuum.
CX9000, CMX220 series,CMX230 series, CMX240 series and CX9500 ranges can not be upgraded to Continuum, all other controllers can be upgraded, some via a chip change, others can be upgraded via Continuum update.
The LSX280 Laptop service tool is not compatible with Continuum, a RoamIO should be used.
Check out the Software and Firmware compatibility matrix for older versions of the traditional product lines for the minimum versions required for Cyberstation, but the following gives an overview of the requirements:
- CX9200 (CX9300,CX9201) - Requires chip replacement with Continuum firmware V1.5x
- CX9400 Eclipse (CX9410) - Requires flash upgrade to Continuum V1.5x firmware, but will require working SX8000 system to flash the controller, otherwise send to Repairs for upgrading.
- ACX780 - Requires chip replacement with Continuum firmware V1.5x ACX781C
- ACX700 - Requires chip replacement with Continuum firmware V1.5x ACX701C
- DCX250 - Requires Infinity V2.16 firmware chip
Other i1 (generation 1 infinet controller) controllers require a minimum of V1.4 firmware chips