- Need to confirm the correct part number to upgrade I/NET
- Do I need to pay for the I/NET software to upgrade the site?
- When can I use a SEAT license?
- What are the rules / definitions for using SEAT / SITE Licenses with I/NET?
Product Line
I/NET Software
- I/NET 2000
- I/NET Seven to 2.4x
Confusion with part numbers and license restrictions within I/NET software offering.
Ordering information is usually contained within each of I/NET's Product Announcements. These are found on The Exchange Download Center as well as on Software and Firmware compatibility matrix for older versions of the traditional product lines.
When upgrading from a “minor” revision, upgrades from v2.40 are free. All you need is the new version of v2.4x software which can be downloaded at no charge from the Buildings Business Extranet website.
To download TAC I/NET Seven software, refer to Downloads and Schneider Electric software, tools, documents, and tips.
Upgrades from pre-2.4x versions (i.e. v2.3x and below) are paid upgrades. Standard upgrade prices are the same whether upgrading from I/NET Seven v2.31 or I/NET 2000. When upgrading, all host PCs must be upgraded to the same version. Upgrade / New Ordering part number information can be found in How many software versions of I/NET Seven are there?
For information that needs to be provided during the ordering process or if you have an issue with the Site License key refer to License or CD Key Issues.
I/NET Seven Software Definitions
Site Licenses
Definition of a SITE:
“A building or collection of buildings at single or multiple locations owned and operated by ONE end user, upon which I/NET is installed.”
Seat License:
Definition of a SEAT
“A license for an additional PC at a SITE as defined above, irrespective of configuration i.e. Remote Client, Filemaster, Equalized Client etc.”