At the end of an alarm delay if the point is still in alarm, Continuum will generate the alarm notification regardless of how many times the point has "return to normal" (RTN) during the delay period. If the point goes in to alarm again, Continuum will generate the alarm soon.
There is a perception that the alarm delay calculagraph should be cleared when the point has RTN.
Product Line
Andover Continuum
- Cyberstation
- IP level controller
- Field Controller
The behavior of the alarm delay calculagraph in some situations is not what would be expected.
- Create an infinityNumeric point to trigger the alarm
- Create an program to set the alarm point to on/off
For Example:
The original alarm point is Fanfault, and delay time setting in the AlarmEnrollment is 60 seconds. Create an infinitynumeric named "Fan_alarm" and attach an AlarmEnrollment with a delay.
Create the program below:
Line detecting: Fan_alarm=off if Fanfault is on then go to setting Line setting if Ts>=60 then Fan_alarm=on if Fanfault is off then goto detecting Line E state=enabled if ts>1 then go to detecting
For more detail about AlarmDelay Operation, see AlarmDelay operation.