It may be desirable to change the default name of an NPR as it appears in I/NET (ie XentaXB2435) to something more descriptive.
Product Line
- I/O Server Config
- Xenta 527, Xenta 527-NPR, Xenta 731, Xenta 913
I/NET generates a unique default name for each NPR. While the default name differentiates the NPRs it may be helpful to have a descriptive and relevant name for each NPR.
- Open the I/NET IO Server Config.
- Select the IP Port connection of the NPR to be changed and select Modify to open the Configuration Profile.
- Click on NP Routers to open the NetPlus Routers Summary.
- Select the router that you want to change and click Modify to open the NetPlus Router Configuration.
- Enter a new name for the NetPlus Router and click OK.
The NPR will now re-initialize and will have the new name.
If you are still having issues, see How to change the name of a 527 Link or DLA site.