There is often a requirement to pass live data values between a Continuum and a Vista system, how can this be achieved?
Product Line
Andover Continuum, TAC Vista
- Continuum BACnet systems
- Vista LONMark systems
- LON XDriver, X Driver, X-Driver, Bridge, Gateway
Continuum and Vista inherently use different open protocols.
- One method of passing data between a Continuum and Vista system would be to use a Netcontroller II with the FTT option, then load the LONMark XDriver. This will allow you to pass analogue and digital data between the two systems using SNVT's. You would then use LONMaker to bind the Continuum X Driver points to the Vista / Xenta points. See the LONMark X Driver manual for configuration details. Also reference Can LONMark Devices be used with Continuum? for further details.
- Another option would be to use a Xenta913 as a gateway to the BACnet IP network used by Continuum, this would also allow analogue and digital BACnet point types to be exchanged between the Xenta913 and Continuum Workstations or BACnet bCX1 controllers.
Both of these methods use the gateway principle to pass data between the systems, this will require corresponding points being created in both systems with associated mapping / binding between them.