How to get the XIF file of Xenta free programmable controllers?
Product Line
TAC Vista
- Xenta Free programmable controllers (Xenta 281, Xenta 282, Xenta 283, Xenta 301, Xenta 302, Xenta 301C, Xenta 302C, Xenta 401, Xenta 401B, Xenta 401C)
- TAC Menta editor
If Xenta free programmable controllers need to play as a third party device in another system, a XIF file is needed.
- Open the preprogrammed Menta file in the Menta Editor.
Note: If you are opening the file directly from the Vista database, it will first need to be saved to the local harddrive before generating an XIF. - Go to Options > Simulate (or press F12)
- Go to Commands > Generate
- An XIF file with the same name as the .MTA file will be generated in the same location on the harddrive as the. MTA.
Alternatively, if you are connected live to the controller, you can also generate an XIF by connecting live:
- Open the preprogrammed Menta file in the Menta Editor.
- Connect the Xenta free programmable controller to the computer with a RS232 to USB cable. For details please refer to Downloading a Xenta Device Using Direct Connection to Menta Programming Tool.
- Go to Options->Simulate (F12), and select connect.
- A XIF file will automatically generated under the same folder that the Menta file is saved.
NOTE: in order for third party system to be able to view points in Menta, those points need to be set as SNVTs.