Periodically a computer with Vista 4.5 will start generating the message "Failed to Read Event From Event Log Database" when opening Vista Workstation.
Error: "Event Receiver Failed - Could not retrieve any events from the event log".
Product Line
TAC Vista
- Vista IV
- Vista Workstation
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows XP
Vista IV uses 2 users, TACA and TACM (appended with an underscore followed by the PC name e.g. "TACA_PCname"), to manage its SQL connection. Certain Automatic IT security procedures will either remove these users or revoke their administrator privileges.
Option 1
- Reinstall Vista. This will be required if the users TACA and TACM no longer exist.
Option 2
Modify User rights for accounts TACA and TACM. This is only possible if the local user accounts have not been deleted. To do this you will need to follow the following steps:
- Log in as an Administrator
- Go to the control panel and look for the program User Accounts (also called User Profiles)
- Find the User TACM
- Select Properties
- In the Group Membership tab, add the user TACM to the administrator group
Option 3
- Upgrade to Vista 5
For either Option 1 or Option 2, you will need to contact the site IT department to ensure that this issue will not come up again.
Event Receiver Failed - Could not retrieve any events from the event log may also be of interest.