When starting Vista software (other than Vista Server) an error appears stating that the license has expired.
lc_checkout failed: Feature has expired. Feature: Menta.View Expire date: 31-May-2011 License path: C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\License Files\Demo_5_1_31_may_2011.lic FLEXnet Licensing error:-10,32 For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation, available at "".
Product Line
TAC Vista
- Vista Workstation
- Menta
- TGML Editor
- Vista Webstation
The temporary trial license for Vista has an expiration. If Vista returns an error stating that the license is expired this may be due to one or more of the following reasons:
- The temporary license file being used has indeed expired
- Vista was pointed to a temporary license file that has now expired rather than being pointed to the license files folder
- The computer date is set incorrectly
- Start by checking to see that the computer date is set correctly. If it is set to a future date beyond the expiration date of the temporary license file this will prevent Vista from starting up.
- Check to verify that the temporary license file being used has not expired by opening Windows Explorer and browsing to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\License Files or
C:\Program Files\TAC\License Files if this is an older installation.
The expiration date of the file is part of name of the file. For example, Demo_5_1_31_aug_2011 expires on the 31st of August, 2011. The terminal services licenses need to be updated every two weeks and the expiration date can also be found in the file name in a week-of-the-year format. The easiest way to find the exact date is to open the license file in a text editor and the expiration date can be found in the first line. For example, the first line of the license file Demo+TS_OK_5_1_valid_through_week32_2011 is: "FEATURE Vista.Workstation taclic 5.1 14-aug-2011 uncounted \" therefore this license expires on the 14th of August 2011.
- If the exact license file rather than the license location was specified during installation, Vista may not be able to find a new temporary license file once the old one expires. The location where Vista looks for the license should be cleared out by following the steps in the resolution of Switching from the Demo license to the site License in Vista 5.1.7 or older. Once the registry value has been cleared Vista will ask where the license is found the next time it is started up.