Need an alert message sent out to notify when a controller disconnects from the network
Product Line
Access Expert
- Access Expert Controller
- Access Expert Premise Software
- Access Expert Hosted software
Controllers can potentially disconnect from the network. Knowing when can help troubleshoot the cause.
Having an alert based on a long time disconnect event can help to prompt an investigation.
- The time considered for this disconnect event is adjustable within the instance settings.
- Right-click the event "Controller Disconnected (Long Time) in event definitions and select view event history
- Right-click any of the events and select add Email template
- Create an email template using the pre-canned expressions and plain text
- Create an Alarm Action, select Notification when adding the action
- Fill out the template with the Email Template and who the recipients should be
- Create an Alarm Definition
- Assign Event type: Controller Disconnect (Long Time)
- Assign Alarm Action: Alarm action created in step 5