How to change the firmware version in a controller.
Product Line
Andover Continuum
All flash-upgradeable controllers: CX9900, CX9940, ACX5720, ACX5740, all i2, b3, and bCX controllers.
Controller firmware needs to be changed.
- Locate the firmware version that you need for each controller you want to change. The Continuum firmware files can be downloaded from the Schneider Electric Ecobuilding Exchange. The downloaded files are often a zip file which includes the release notes in PDF format and the flash file (UPD file).
Note: You may need to upgrade or downgrade firmware (see also Is a controller shipped from the factory with the latest firmware revision supported in older versio...) Make sure you check the document Andover Continuum Software and Firmware Compatibility Matrix for the appropriate firmware version for your system.
- Copy the file to a disk drive accessible to your CyberStation workstation.
- Edit the controller object in ContinuumExplorer and click on the "Update OS" button.
- Browse to the file location in step 2 and click "Open". A progress box "Updating Controller OS..." will appear. During this time the controller is reset and not functional.
- Once complete, and if successful, you will get a dialog box indicating that the upload was successful and the controller will return On-Line momentarily. Click OK.
- Click the refresh button in the controller editor. Once the controller is on-line the version field should indicate the new version.
- At this point some controllers may need a reload, others will be reloaded from flash memory. This depends on the controller type. For example, the CX9900 has no flash memory and therefore will need to be reloaded.
This procedure also applies to upgrading controller options such as adding Xdriver support. In this case a UPD file will be provided by the Repair Dept. In the case of added Xdriver support, after doing the Update OS procedure the version will not change. Look at the controller Options tab after it comes back online following the upgrade. The information here, such as a non-zero entry in the numbers next to the appropriate Xdriver Commport will be changed.
The above procedure was based on an IP level controller such as the CX, bCX and ACX II. Infinet and MSTP controllers are done in a similar manner. IOU models are also upgraded similarly via the "Update IOU" button in the IOUModule editor. However, the files are .IOU files instead of .UPD files and the versions are in the fourth pair of characters in the Program ID field.