Can the red crosses (that indicate that a signal is offline) in Vista or SmartStruxure Workstation/Webstation be disabled?
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation, TAC Vista
- SmartStruxure TGML Graphics (Workstation, Webstation)
- Vista TGML Graphics (Workstation 5.X, Webstation 5.X)
When a signal which is bound to an object in a TGML graphic is offline, this is indicated by a red cross when viewing the graphic in Vista or SmartStruxure Workstation or Webstation.
This can easily be disabled in TGML by adding a script to the OnSignalChange event:
function signal(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); }
Note, this script will only disable the red X when a point is offline. This does not address any issue that might cause points to be offline.
A short video is available on this process, to review, please see SmartStruxure - Graphics - Removing Red Crosses.mp4.