Can I use a 1.9 key on a 1.74 system?
Product Line
Andover Continuum
Key compatibility with Continuum versions
A version 1.99 Andover Continuum key can be used on an older ( Ex. 1.74) system.
Andover Continuum Keys are backward compatible. However, you cannot go in the other direction.
For example, you cannot put a 1.8x key in a 1.9x system, this will require an upgrade.
All versions of a major revision are supported on the key. Ex. 1.90, 1.91,1.92,1.93, 1.94, and any future revisions of 1.9x are supported.
If you read the key with Excel or MMC, it will actually show as 1,79,1.89, 1.99.
Note: All upgrades are handled through the Licensing Team, requests should be directed to the following email address: